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    Charitable Donations at Rivertown

    It’s important to us that our mission includes helping those facing unimaginable challenges feel empowered to create lasting change in their lives.

    One dollar from every tee and sweatshirt purchased goes directly to three trustworthy Cincinnati-based organizations and one international school doing meaningful work both here and abroad.

    Aruna works to bring sustainable employment and holistic care to sexually-exploited women in India by mobilizing 5K runs for awareness. Citylink is facilitating resources and support for Cincinnati residents working their way out of poverty.  UNDIVIDED is a movement designed to build relationships that further racial solidarity and promote justice. Hasta Memorial School is using eduction to protect children and fight against human trafficking in Nepal

    We deeply believe in the life-changing work all three of these organizations are doing in the world, and are honored to play a small part.

    Buy apparel that last - Support change that lasts.